Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cheerful Giver

It's been six months since my last blog, so I thought it was time to revisit.

Today I'm thinking about my position in life. Now I know my Blog is called, "A Mom, a Wife, a Dreamer...", but what about my position to others outside of my home? We have sacrificed many things so that I may be a "stay at home mom" and I feel that it has honored me with more than just taking care of my household. I have the ability and blessing of helping others. Those mom's who have to go to work full time AND be a Mom, or the older ones who's family lives far away...the scenario's are endless. I guess I was just thinking that my position in life right now, is pretty darn awesome! When I was a single mom and worked two jobs, I remember wishing that I could help people who were sick by bringing them a meal or babysitting some one's children if they needed that. However, I just couldn' plate was full. Now, though, my plate is a good way. I would rather be running around after my friends children laughing and playing,or cooking an amazing meal for someone who really appreciates it, or just being an open ear to a friend in need over a cup of coffee, than any other job in the world. My son knowing that I am HERE and he has my undivided worth giving up two vacations a year and a brand new car or the newest phone and the "trendiest" clothes!

No matter what our position in life may be, there is always someone, somewhere who has it worse. I think it's important to remember that EVERY DAY, and it will help us keep our faith up, and our worries won't seem so big! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!