Sunday, February 14, 2010

How I came to be here as a mom

I gave birth to my son when I was 20 years old and was not planning on it. However, he changed me forever...I think I would have been lost if it wasn't for him. Some women,when they are not expecting to have a baby, go through many emotions. They either commit to it and let it change them,they may choose not to have the baby,they give it up for adoption,they have the baby while kicking and screaming and just do it b/c the feel it's the right thing but always resent their child. I do not judge any of these choices.I just found myself amongst these women and this is my story. I never thought of giving him up or abortion. But I was completely unprepared.I had been traveling all over the in Florida and then NH, going where the wind blew me and at my own pace. I was then living with my Aunt in North Hampton NH, my boyfriend lived an hour away, and I was just about to break up with him when I found out I was pregnant. I loved him, and it was his baby, but I was too young to settle down. I was a free spirit, a vagabond, a traveler. Now here I was, pregnant. Seven years later, I am happily married,with my son's father and I love it. Granted I broke up with him when my son was a year and a half, and went through many experiences and spent a time as a single mom. But even if people experience stable relationships or not, as women, we must all go through feelings of "where am I" when being a mom. That's why I am here...writing a blog :) I hope that despite challenges, that we can overcome them and be happy. We cannot control everything and everyone...but we can control ourselves. In the end, I hope someone can relate :)

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to being in a relationship at a very young age. I was married before my 19th birthday. As I looked in the mirror to put my lipstick on the morning I got married, I was scared and unsure and not mature enough to put things on hold, but told myself that no matter what happens, just work it out... We've had ups and downs, but we always work it out and 14yrs later I'm glad I married who I did.
