Thursday, March 31, 2011

Six Months Pregnant

Ok, so where to start? I am probably in my last pregnancy in this system of things. I have been very calm and happy for most of this pregnancy and I've really tried to be present with each day. Although I have been very sensitive to others opinions (which isn't like me at all) I am now coming out of that phase and entering the last stretch of my 2ND trimester. I am so excited to meet my second son, Jude! I can't imagine loving anyone more than my son Austin, since we've had 8 years together...but I know I will love Jude in a different and special way. My men! There's something reassuring about having all of these men in my life. Austin is already so compassionate and giving like his father, I know he'll be an amazing father and husband some day! I am so excited to see how Jude's personality turns out to be like. I also feel that I'm entering a time in my life, where I am no longer the young adult around the older mother figures I've always had in my life.As I approach thirty this year, I feel I am now a peer...wither they see as me as that, is a different story. However, now that I am a mom, a wife and a successful home school teacher...I now see things differently. I am no longer intimidated by their experiences or by their critiques...instead, I take into consideration their thoughts and advice, and go about my day. I am happy with who I am and how my husband and I have our lives. I think only the "insecure" are critical about the way others do things. So instead of being offended, I try to look for any good in peoples comments and focus on our reality. It's really a vindicating feeling to have that thought. I love these older ones and sincerely welcome advice, as long as it is "seasoned with salt" and offered in a kind and loving way. Don't we all want and deserve that dignity? So as I wrap up the home school year, and prepare the house for Jude's arrival, I ponder on our life and how it is about to change. I'm focusing on being a supportive wife to my husband and surrendering to things I cannot do in a balanced way. I'll let the house be a mess, if it means spending time with Austin in the last few months we have alone together. It's the calm before the storm...but I'll welcome the rain :)