Thursday, March 31, 2011

Six Months Pregnant

Ok, so where to start? I am probably in my last pregnancy in this system of things. I have been very calm and happy for most of this pregnancy and I've really tried to be present with each day. Although I have been very sensitive to others opinions (which isn't like me at all) I am now coming out of that phase and entering the last stretch of my 2ND trimester. I am so excited to meet my second son, Jude! I can't imagine loving anyone more than my son Austin, since we've had 8 years together...but I know I will love Jude in a different and special way. My men! There's something reassuring about having all of these men in my life. Austin is already so compassionate and giving like his father, I know he'll be an amazing father and husband some day! I am so excited to see how Jude's personality turns out to be like. I also feel that I'm entering a time in my life, where I am no longer the young adult around the older mother figures I've always had in my life.As I approach thirty this year, I feel I am now a peer...wither they see as me as that, is a different story. However, now that I am a mom, a wife and a successful home school teacher...I now see things differently. I am no longer intimidated by their experiences or by their critiques...instead, I take into consideration their thoughts and advice, and go about my day. I am happy with who I am and how my husband and I have our lives. I think only the "insecure" are critical about the way others do things. So instead of being offended, I try to look for any good in peoples comments and focus on our reality. It's really a vindicating feeling to have that thought. I love these older ones and sincerely welcome advice, as long as it is "seasoned with salt" and offered in a kind and loving way. Don't we all want and deserve that dignity? So as I wrap up the home school year, and prepare the house for Jude's arrival, I ponder on our life and how it is about to change. I'm focusing on being a supportive wife to my husband and surrendering to things I cannot do in a balanced way. I'll let the house be a mess, if it means spending time with Austin in the last few months we have alone together. It's the calm before the storm...but I'll welcome the rain :)


  1. I appreciate this so much Amanda. I feel the same way about the"older mothers" Now that i have Callie I told Darin that i finally feel like an adult and not a kid acting like one. I am finally confidant with the decisions that i make for my family. They may not work for everyone but they are right for us. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. I think your attitude is the healthiest and most beneficial attitude you can have. Many people like to offer their advice and/or criticism and when you look for what is good from that you are definitely better off. There is much to be learned from others and I fall into the "older Moms" category myself, so I try not to offer unsolicited advice...each family is different...different dynamics, unique personalities within them. Some advice is a one size fits all, but much of it is relying on your own gut. It sounds to me like you have that part covered and you should be proud of all that you have accomplished =)
